Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Intimacy (short version)

My favorite ministry subject is intimacy with God.

We currently live in a society that is totally the opposite to true intimacy.

We have I Pods that shut out everyone and everything around us.

There is Email or texting which loses true emotion and the facial expressions of the

ones we are talking to. Or you can watch T.V. and not talk at all.

It’s far too easy to hide what is truly going on in our lives with all this multi-media.

God has called us to be intimate with Him and also with one another.

Intimacy according to the dictionary is this:

1. Belonging to or characterizing one's deepest nature.

2. Marked by very close association or contact.

3. Marked by a warm friendship developing through long association.


It’s spending time with the one you love and knowing every detail about them.

What they love, how they think, and feel.

Do you know what God loves, thinks and feel?

Do you know His heart and what moves Him?

If you can’t say yes to this then maybe you need to shut everything down and spend time with Him. Just one on one intimate time with Him. He longs to talk with you and pour His heart into your heart. He wants you to know every intimate detail of His love and Mercy.

Start today. There’s no time like the present to fall intimately in love with our Savior.

Peace and Love,